Metes and bounds vs rectangular survey
Metes and bounds vs rectangular survey

Additionally, metes-and-bounds descriptions are usually very long and complicated. That tree that was previously mentioned as a point of beginning may not be around in 100 years. What are the potential problems with the metes-and-bounds legal land description method? The description then proceeds in that manner until completed at the point of beginning. The metes-and-bounds description will continue from the large tree, usually in feet and inches by direction to the next monument. So, say the point of beginning is a large tree. Monuments are fixed objects and can be either natural or man-made. Where is the point of beginning located? Well, that’s where monuments come in. How are Monuments used in a metes-and-bounds land description? This land description always begins and ends at the point of beginning.

metes and bounds vs rectangular survey

From the point of beginning, the border of the property is described until the point of beginning is reached again. The point of beginning is also referred to as the point of commencement (POC). How does the metes-and-bounds land description work?Ī metes-and-bounds land description always begins and ends at a point of beginning (POB). This legal land description is primarily used to describe the location of land in states on the east coast of the US. Metes (distance) and bounds (direction) is the oldest method for creating land descriptions. What is the metes-and-bounds legal land description? The metes-and-bounds legal land description method is the subject of this article. There is more than one type of legal description you must know for your exam. This is not merely the address of the property but is a legal description. In legal documents, such as a lien, deed, trust deed, mortgage, and sales contract, courts require an exact description of where a piece of land is located.

Metes and bounds vs rectangular survey